Epson Tm-t88iv Manual Dip Switch

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And even a waterproof switch cover. It’s also ENERGY STAR-qualified, for increased power efficiency and reduced environmental impact. Epson TM-T20 The intelligent cable management and housing allows the Epson TM-T20 to be mounted neatly into a shelf corner. All functions are accessible from the front, enabling the printer to. Epson TM-T88IV Series Ultra-fast receipt printer. Connector Cover, Main unit, Power switch cover, User manual: Customer Service. Product Registration.

Quick Links

Installation Guide
PrinterSet-up guide
Buzzer Installation
DIP Switch Settings
Windows Drivers

Models TM-T88II, TM-T88III
Note: turn off the printer before changing switchsettings./spss-23-for-mac-free-download-full-version-crack.html.

Switch Bank 1

Switch Bank 2

Epson Tm-t88iv Manual Dip Switches

Model TM-T88IV, TM-T88V

Setting the Memory Switches (TM-T88V, TM-T88VI)

With the “memory switch (customized value),” a software switchfor this printer, you can set the
functions shown in the table below. For an outline of the functions, see thefollowing section.
Use the methods in this table to set the memory switches.

To select a new value hold the feed button down for 1 second ormore.

Note: Be sure to turn the printer off after setting any new value,otherwise the new setting will be lost.

*1: Settingprintermodel isalso availablewiththeTM-T88V PrinterModel Setting Utility.

Setting the paper width
• 80 mm (initial setting)
• 58 mm

Setting the print density

Selectable from levels 1 to 13 (70% ∼ 130%)
Setting the multi-tone print density
Selectable from levels 1 to 13 (70% ∼ 130%)
• For information about how to use the memory switch setting mode, see'Memory Switch Setting Mode'
• For detailed information about the TM-T88V Utility, see the TM-T88VUtility User’s
• For detailed information about ESC/POS commands, see the ESC/POSApplication
Programming Guide.
• Be sure to install the roll paper guide when you select the 58 mm paperwidth. (See
'Changing the Paper Width' )
• Once you change the paper width from 80 mm to 58 mm, you cannot change itback to
80 mm.
The print density can be set with DIP switches (2-3/2-4) or the customizedvalue. (See
'Selecting the Print Density (DIP Switches 2-3/2-4)'.) The initial settingof the
customized value is “Depends on the DIP switch settings.” If the customizedvalue is
changed, the value set with the customized value is enabled.
• First change the print density, and then configure the Multi-tone printdensity.
• If you set the density too high, the contrast becomes lower. Select thedensity level
checking the overall tone balance of your image.

Setting the print speed
Selectable from levels 1 to 13 (Slow ∼ Fast) (initial setting: level 13)

Setting font
• Code page: Selectable from 43 pages including user defined page
• International character set: Selectable from 18 sets
• Font A/B replacement

Optional Buzzer
When to sound the buzzer is selectable from the following occasions.
• When an error occurs
• When automatic paper cut activates
• When specified pulse 1 (2 pin) occurs
• When specified pulse 2 (5 pin) occurs

USB Class
• Printer Class
• Vendor Class

Selecting interface mode
Selectable from: automatic selection, fixed to UB interface, or fixed tobuilt-in USB.
Those 3modes are described in both tables below.
For models with serial/parallel UB
For models with other UB

Setting the number of head energizing parts
• One-part energizing (initial setting)
• Two-part energizing
• Four-part energizing

The TM-T88V has dual interfaces: a built-inUSB interface and another interface selected by the customer. (Theselectable interface is referred to as the 'UB' interface.) The table belowdescribes the modes you can set for the printer to control the dualinterfaces.

Interface mode UB Built-in USB
Automatic selection (initial setting) Available Available
Fixed to UB Available Not available
Fixed to built-in USB Not available Available
Interface mode UB Built-in USB
Automatic selection (initial setting) Available Not available
Fixed to UB Available Not available
Fixed to built-in USB Not available Available

Automatic selection:

The interface of either the UB or built-inUSB to which data is transmitted first is selected.
Once the interface is selected, the selection is enabled until the power isturned off or the
printer is reset.
• Usually, the number of head energizing parts does not need to be changed.
• The maximum print speed (300 mm/s) can be performed only when one-partenergizing
is selected.

Setting the power supply unit capacity
Selectable from levels 1 to 3 (Low ∼ High) (initial setting: level 3)

Setting the automatic paper cut
• Not use this function (initial setting)
• Cut paper when the cover is closed
• Print logo when paper is cut

Setting the paper reduction
• Extra upper space reduction: enabled or disabled (initial setting)
• Extra lower space reduction: enabled or disabled (initial setting)
• Line space reduction rate: not reduced (initial setting), 25%, 50%, or 75%
• Line feed reduction rate: not reduced (initial setting), 25%, 50%, or 75%
• Barcode height reduction rate: not reduced (initial setting), 25%, 50%, or 75%

Setting the transmission speed for serial interface
When DIP switches 1-7 and 1-8 are set to ON, the value (initially 38400) can beset to 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200. (See 'Transmission Speed (DIP Switches1-7/1-8)' on page38.)

Setting the printer model
When you use the TM-T88V with the APD Ver. 4.00 ~ 4.04, you need to change theprinter model
name to “TM-T88IV.”

Changing the Memory Switches - Printer Access Method

To change the memory switch settings on an Epson printer, you will first need torun a self test.

  • Turn the printer off
  • Hold down the FEED button
  • Turn the Printer back on while still holding the FEED button.
  • After the self test print is complete, there should still be a lightflashing on the printer.

  • To select a new value hold the Feed button down for 1 second or more.

  • The next page should be a short menu listing.

  • Those options are the memory switch settings.

  • Most options will be under the 'Customize value settings' menu.

The way the menu selection works is by pressing the FEED button the same numberof times as the number next to the option, then pressing and holding the FEED anadditional time after that (i.e. to select the 2nd option in the list, you wouldpress the FEED button 2 times and then press and hold it on the third)

Note: Be sure to shut the printer off after setting any value, otherwisethe new setting will be lost..

For instructions on installing or configuring a Connect-It interface card please choose from the list below:

Serial InterfaceInstallation Guide
Parallel InterfaceInstallation Guide
USB InterfaceInstallation Guide
Ethernet InterfaceInstallation Guide
Wireless InterfaceInstallation Guide
IDNInstallation Guide

Installing the Device Driversfor Windows

To obtain the latest DeviceDrivers from Epson:

  1. Download and Install Epson’sdrivers available


  3. Select the printer model under the menu

  4. Click the downloaddrivers on the printer page

Remove the printerfrom the packaging and shipping protection. Ensure thatyou have all of the accessories and components you needto set-up the unit. Generally this will include a powersupply, a data communication cable, and a roll of thermal paper.

Power Supply
All Epson printers that Beagle Hardware sells require a24 Volt power supply (Epson modelsPS-170, PS-180). Pleasemake sure you are not using an older 33V power supplythat has the same pin pattern but won't work with any ofour printers. Check for correctpower supply here.

Printer Cable
Unless you've ordered a printer kit, the printer cableis not included with new or refurbished printers. Withthe exception of serial interfaces, all printers usestandard (parallel, USB or Ethernet) printer cablesavailable from an electronics store. Serial printersmost commonly use a null modem type cable but mayrequire a custom serial adapter. Consult your POS vendorfor more information.
  • Check for correct printer cablehere.
  • Instructions on how to set upinterfaces are here.

Epson Tm-t88iv Manual Dip Switch Replacement

Install the correct type of paper into the printer. Paper must be thermal and the correct width. To check if you have the right paperinstalled, check here.

Epson Tm-t88iv Manual Dip Switch Manual

Configuration Switches
Printers have DIP switches to set communicationsparameters and certain specific functions on theprinter. These switches are located on thebottom of the unit behind a small removablemetal cover held on by a single screw.If you arereplacing a printer or have another in the sameenvironment, it is best to match the settings on thatunit to ensure the new printer is able to communicatecorrectly. For a listing of specific DIP Switch settingsby model, please visit our main support page.

There is a multitude ofPoint-of-Sale software and configuration settings. Forquestions regarding the configuration of a softwareinstallation or the function of other POS hardwarecomponents, you should contact the manufacturer or yourPOS system directly. If you are changing a printer in anexisting POS set-up the best approach is to make surethe DIP settings on the old and new printers matchexactly (if they are the same model and series).

Epson Tm-t88iv Manual Dip Switch Kit

Initial Test
Turn on the printer. If the unit is hooked up correctly and readyto test, there will be no error lights showing.The lights should light solidand not flash. If lights are flashing check to see ifthe printer is setup correctly (ie. paper is installed,data cable connected, etc.).Run the self-test on the printer; turn printer offand power back on while holding down the Feedbutton. This test will print the settings of the unitand a series of test characters. If this self-testprints correctly, the problem is external to theprinter. For instructions for specific printers,check here.

If you are having trouble getting the unit to printcorrectly, there are a number of different things youcan try to isolate or solve the problem:

  • Reboot the computer/terminal and cycle the poweron the printer. This step ensures that all of thesoftware and settings are loaded correctly.
  • If you have another printer of the same model,swap that unit in and try to print. This willdetermine if the communications cable andcomputer/terminal are functioning correctly and ifthe problem is with that specific printer unit.
  • If you have a data cable of the same type(null-modem serial, parallel, USB, Ethernet), swapout the cable and attempt to print again. Datacables can fail rarely, and this step will determineif the cable is the issue.
  • If you are connecting to a Windows PC, you cango into the Control Panel / System / Hardware /Device Manager / Ports and determine if the port isfunctioning and the port number matches with thesetup of your software.
  • Try our TM seriestroubleshooter for more detailedtroubleshooting.
  • If you have exhausted the options above and arestill unable to print correctly, you can reachBeagle Hardware support at: 800-253-6407
    [email protected]